Andres Serrano:
Sol Lewitt, Black Form Dedicated to the Missing Jews, 1987
Sol Lewitt, Consequences, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Andres Serrano:
Sol Lewitt, Black Form Dedicated to the Missing Jews, 1987
Sol Lewitt - Say Goodbye Catullus to the shores of Asia minor
Spring Hurlbut - From Ashes Emerge Constellations
Susan Hiller - Hommage to Joseph Beuys
Drex Brooks - Sweet Medicine
Joel Sternfeld - On This Site
Gábor Ösz - Liquid Horizon
Adrian Piper - tomb piece (Everything is lost?)
Felix Torres-Gonzalez, Untitled, 1991 (empty bed, impression on pillows)
Felix Torres-Gonzalez, Untitled (Last Letter), 1991
C-print jigsaw puzzle in plastic bag, 7.5" x 9.5"
Bas Jan Ader – Voyage of the Miraculous (Failure/Falling/Disappearance)
Tacita Dean -film of Voyage of the Miraculous
Rebecca Horn - Concert for Buchenwald
Banks Violette - Goethe's Sorrows of Young Werther
Pia Interlandi - Garmets for the Dead
Ryoji Ikeda -
Larry Clark - Tulsa
Sam Taylor Woods - Ghosts, and a little death and still life
Wei Guangqing - Suicide Series, 1988
Marc Quinn, 07 (Budha skeletal sculpture... unknown title...)
Henrik Olesen
Francis Alys
Fransesca Woodman – How to be an Angel
Ann Hamilton – Pao Saulo Biennale
Marina Ambromovich, table, gun, etc.
Sally Mann - What Remains
A five part sequence on mortality. (Partner. Greyhound. Fugitive. Landscape of civil war Battlefield of Antictan using ambrotype, wet plate collodion process. Forensic Study. Childrens portraits). Also see documentary BBC + HBC (process of serendipity / necessity of technical error)
Goya - Death on a Pale Horse - embody concepts of the sublime
Gantalleci Artemizi (baroque) - Salome
John Everett Millais, Ophelia, 1852
Henry Wallis, Death of Chatterton, 1856
Waterton, Lady of Challotte
Caravagio, David with the head of Golia (as seen in Borghese) is Caravagio's last work, painted to request a pardon (self-portrait, on head of Golia). He was granted pardon, however by the time the news reached him he was already dead (died of the fever in exile).
Christian Boltanski, archives de l'annee 1987 du journal El Caso.
Jocelyne Alloucherie
Roni Horn - some thames
Peter Joel Witkin
Diana Barsato - section of ongoing process
Linda Ruttenburg (marketing)
Glenn Gould - solitary North
Photographer Eric Fischer (mapping)
Francis Galton (euginisist photo composites)
Trevor Paglen (photos of Satelite survey)
Video: Gary Hill, Shirin Neshat
Death class
Death as material, subject, and philosophy (working with and from death)
Anatomy Theaters
Walter Benjamin was fascinated by the phantasmagoria and used it as a term to describe the experience of the Arcades in Paris. In his essays, he associated phantasmagoria with commodity culture and its experience of material and intellectual products. In this way, Benjamin expanded upon Marx’s statement on the phantasmagorical powers of the commodity.
Joseph Campbell
Ajax - Greek god who committed suicide from lament - original sculpture is in the Vatican
New Gothic Mythology (Violette Banks)
Text "looking at the overlooked" - Bruce Britman
Illustration / narration
Ralph Steadman
Berlin – Holocaust memorial
Felix Torres-Gonzalez, Untitled (Natural History), 1990 (p39 of book)
Young - Counter Monument article
Deleuze quote
Larry Clark - Tulsa
Sam Taylor Woods - Ghosts, and a little death and still life
Wei Guangqing - Suicide Series, 1988
Marc Quinn, 07 (Budha skeletal sculpture... unknown title...)
Henrik Olesen
Francis Alys
Fransesca Woodman – How to be an Angel
Ann Hamilton – Pao Saulo Biennale
Marina Ambromovich, table, gun, etc.
Gerhard Richter- 84 faces of men
Gerhard Richter October 18, 1977, fifteen paintings commemorating the suspicious deaths of three members of the anarchist-revolutionary Red Army Faction. Paintings suggest snapshots, a kind of history painting. Also, Photo Paintings of Eight Student Nurses, the portraits of eight nurses killed in a dormitory of South Side Chicago hospital.... executed with same principles of anonymity as other Photo Paintings, but their direct involvement with tragedy is unusual and seems to demand some emotional recognition.. As Richter has said "And here, because I didn't know them personally, i just wanted to paint anonymously, not in color, from the photos that is, to avoid painting, avoid direct involvement in life and though it subjectivity and still, despite the detour, produce an affect so that it touches your heart, indirectly, not in a conventional - sentimental - way." (Nasgaard, Gerhard Richter Paintings, p. 50). This work was also later rephotographed and mounted behind glass, restoring the idea of painted yearbook or graduation portraits of the eight young woman. ... Later on his Landscape works, Richter comments "I simply think that we have not yet got over the Romantic epoch. the pictures of the period still constitute a part of our sensibility .. if not we would no longer look at them .. Romanticism is far from dead. Exactly like fascism." (52).
Sally Mann - What Remains
A five part sequence on mortality. (Partner. Greyhound. Fugitive. Landscape of civil war Battlefield of Antictan using ambrotype, wet plate collodion process. Forensic Study. Childrens portraits). Also see documentary BBC + HBC (process of serendipity / necessity of technical error)
Goya - Death on a Pale Horse - embody concepts of the sublime
Gantalleci Artemizi (baroque) - Salome
John Everett Millais, Ophelia, 1852
Henry Wallis, Death of Chatterton, 1856
Waterton, Lady of Challotte
Caravagio, David with the head of Golia (as seen in Borghese) is Caravagio's last work, painted to request a pardon (self-portrait, on head of Golia). He was granted pardon, however by the time the news reached him he was already dead (died of the fever in exile).
Christian Boltanski, archives de l'annee 1987 du journal El Caso.
Photographs, mostly close-up shot / mug shot, others graphic police documentation of the crime scene, rarely but appearances, people in places, whatever images could be found... Hardware, minimal, hardware. Spot lights, again, office? between dramatic film noire and office work. Also see interview in Contact: photography saves and kills – it evokes that which no longer is. Collections of portraits – equalizing, good and bad look the same. Photographs are terrible – they tell that these people existed with no other information. Absence of identity in which we can recognize ourselves.
*** See current project - artist's studio life projected for the next 8years...
*** See current project - artist's studio life projected for the next 8years...
Jocelyne Alloucherie
Roni Horn - some thames
Peter Joel Witkin
Diana Barsato - section of ongoing process
Linda Ruttenburg (marketing)
Glenn Gould - solitary North
Photographer Eric Fischer (mapping)
Francis Galton (euginisist photo composites)
Trevor Paglen (photos of Satelite survey)
Video: Gary Hill, Shirin Neshat
Death class
Death as material, subject, and philosophy (working with and from death)
Anatomy Theaters
Walter Benjamin was fascinated by the phantasmagoria and used it as a term to describe the experience of the Arcades in Paris. In his essays, he associated phantasmagoria with commodity culture and its experience of material and intellectual products. In this way, Benjamin expanded upon Marx’s statement on the phantasmagorical powers of the commodity.
Joseph Campbell
Ajax - Greek god who committed suicide from lament - original sculpture is in the Vatican
New Gothic Mythology (Violette Banks)
Text "looking at the overlooked" - Bruce Britman
Illustration / narration
Ralph Steadman
Berlin – Holocaust memorial
Felix Torres-Gonzalez, Untitled (Natural History), 1990 (p39 of book)
Young - Counter Monument article
Deleuze quote
Cadaver / Corpse as Material
Chicco Margaroli, Ogni Luce (Macro Future, Rome)
Body World
Nasrin's brother
Christine Borland, title (?)
Stolen photographs using detective camera to document specimens, in a colonial museum. Her disregard for the rules and consequent blatant exhibition of them - yet she won't be pursued, because of the dirty politics behind...
Death in Conceptual Art
Berlin – Holocaust memorial
Felix Torres-Gonzalez, Untitled (Natural History), 1990 (p39 of book)
Cornelia Parker (?)
Sophie Calle - tombstones in Haunted Exhibition
Chicco Margaroli, Ogni Luce (Macro Future, Rome)
Body World
Nasrin's brother
Christine Borland, title (?)
Stolen photographs using detective camera to document specimens, in a colonial museum. Her disregard for the rules and consequent blatant exhibition of them - yet she won't be pursued, because of the dirty politics behind...
Death in Conceptual Art
Berlin – Holocaust memorial
Felix Torres-Gonzalez, Untitled (Natural History), 1990 (p39 of book)
Cornelia Parker (?)
Sophie Calle - tombstones in Haunted Exhibition
Haunted exhibition
Jill Magrid, Auto Portrait Pending, 2005
Santiago Sierra, Death Counter (2009)
Santiago Sierra, Death Counter (2009)
(grand themes are sublimated?)
Matsuzawa Yutaka, "the elder statesman of Japanese conceptual art movement." Look at exhibition, Corpse, (1964) signaling the death of his object-based works. "Matsuzawa's indebtedness to Asian thought, especially Buddhism, is evident in his aspiration for the ideas of "nothingness" and "void,"... his injection of nonmaterialist Eastern spiritualism into avant-garde art practices. (Global Conceptualism p. 20)
writing in the face of death / writing with death
Sally Man, Joseph Sternfeld, Drex Brooks, Gabor Osz
Dark / Death tourism (Lucy Lippad)
book I gave to Jason?
De Quincey's Aesthetics of Murder (rebuttle to Kant) see Bruce Barber thesis
the Greek myth of Pygmalion in which the artist takes a live subject, kills it and thereby turns it into a fetish object worthy of disinterested aesthetic contemplation in the Kantian sense theorised in The Critique of Judgement (1790)22
Further Reference:
Louis Kaplan on Derrida's Hauntology
Geoffrey Batchen - Forget Me Not: Photography
Stewart - On Longing
Deleuze - Pure Immanence
Derrida - Gift of death / mourning / hauntology
Heidegger - Being toward Death
Montaigne - to philosophize is to die
Dark / Death tourism (Lucy Lippad)
book I gave to Jason?
De Quincey's Aesthetics of Murder (rebuttle to Kant) see Bruce Barber thesis
the Greek myth of Pygmalion in which the artist takes a live subject, kills it and thereby turns it into a fetish object worthy of disinterested aesthetic contemplation in the Kantian sense theorised in The Critique of Judgement (1790)22
Further Reference:
Louis Kaplan on Derrida's Hauntology
Geoffrey Batchen - Forget Me Not: Photography
Stewart - On Longing
Deleuze - Pure Immanence
Derrida - Gift of death / mourning / hauntology
Heidegger - Being toward Death
Montaigne - to philosophize is to die
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