

Nothing I knew had any chance against death.

The Death of the Moth & other Essays, Virginia Woolf

these are the killed...
birds during practice...
blood, a necklace on me all my life.
The collected works of billy the kid, Michael Ondaatje

"To give to this dust a semblance of consistency, as by soaking it in blood." 
- Louis Veuillot, Les odeurs de Paris, 1914 (104 Arcades)

Les gĂ©ographies solonnelles des limites humaines..."  
Paul Eluard, les yeux fertiles. 42

"It is no longer "I" who expel, the "I" is expelled." 
Julia Kristeva, cont. aes, 544

Life, like a dome of many-coloured glass
Stains the white radiance of eternity
Until death tramples it to fragments.

As Shelley formulated in the famous verse

Every epoch not only dreams the one to follow, but in dreaming, precipitates its awakening... It bears its end within itself and unfolds it.
Benjamin, The Arcades Project

“Death becomes that which sets a boundary to our projects and so delimits our lives as our lives.”
Eric Matthews, 20th century continental philosophy, p. 54




1800 - 1860 landscape takes prominence.  Land and spirituality inspired by visionary William Blake.  The smallness of man (18th century motif and point of transition into modern age). Transition from painting to photography, painting as stage, an empty canvas to fill, vs. analogue photography as a slice of reality that is tied to the moment and site the photo was taken.  (Beate Gutschow, Aperture LS/S)

Sea as stage for human drama, fate beyond control, struggle with nature, powerlessness.  Like Turner's transcendent late vision where country and inhabitants dissolve into light and colour. (Varnishing Day - as Constable declared: "Turner has been here and fired a gun.")